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Federal Housing Advocate says tent city occupiers have right to camps

Apr 07, 2023

Reporter (Saskatchewan)

A report from Federal Housing Advocate Marie-Josée Houle said homeless people occupying tent cities are "claiming their rights."

Living rough in Edmonton.

According to Blacklock's Reporter, the report said tent city residents are "rights holders" and there should be a ban on evicting people from tent cities, plus provide free legal advice.

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Reporter (Saskatchewan)

Christopher Oldcorn is a Saskatchewan Reporter for the Western Standard & Saskatchewan Standard. He studied at the Centre for Investigative Journalism at Goldsmith's, University of London and served as editor-in-chief of the SaultOnline.

So...can I identify as a homeless person and camp anywhere I want?

This "housing advocate" is shaping up to be a real communist. She seems to be an advocate for government taking over housing.

So let Houle and all those that are for this, step up and offer up his yard as a camp ground. Maybe then a little appreciation would be given for those against this. Maybe then the liberal/NDP will do something to solve this problem. Instead of waiting for a conservative government to be elected to deal with this crisis. They are probably not smart enough to deal with it, as per usual.

I guess in any park, Federal or provincial, I can camp anywhere and state "claiming my rights."

When you are poor & vulnerable, what you need the most is security. If you are a woman, you need to know that your person is secure. What this means, is that the poor need the law, more than the rich. If you want to rob someone, the best person to rob is a bottle picker. They can't call the cops. If you are so stupid as to rob a billionaire, expect them not only to have private security firm, but to have 20 police cars respond when called. Robbing bottle pickers is very low risk. Fundamentally, the poor desire more security, not less and tent cities provide no security. They are an environment where the meanest, nastiest people rule, and everyone else has no choice but to comply. In other words, no one in their right mind wants a tent city any where near them.

Property owners are not allowed 'rights' under the constitution but tent-dwellers are? What about obligations? Who in tent cities, is responsible for the safety, cleanliness, etc. of those campers and the area in which they are set up? The government becomes more of a sick joke every day. It's easier to hide their heads in the sand that to stand upon solid ground.

Create an urban reserve for these tent dwellers. Just like our first nations who used to live in tents.

The big cities created this mess, let them clean it up, Rural Canadians live in rural areas so we don't have to deal with the big city messes the Socialist regimes of these cities create. We don't want to be responsible for problems we had nothing to do with in the first place. Want a solution? Evan dwellers have to stop believing in the socialist utopia dream, stop pandering to the addicted. Canadian taxpayers have spent Billions upon billions to "solve homelessness" and all it has done is create an industry for high priced advocates and created more homeless people.

Delby, tge report says "government" must provide safety, they claim homeless people have right to dedicate in public as well. The one thing the report doesn't say is where the government will get the money from, as Government has no money, it gets its money from the taxpayer, the taxpayer, you and I will foot the bill. This is insanity, where the people who work and pay their bills are forced to pay the bills of people who refuse to work and provide themselves with shelter our society is doomed.

The government encourages and supports opiod drug addiction and enables its use, allows violent criminal activities by watering down the penalties and bail laws and now has to audacity to tell law abiding, hard working taxpayers that tent cities and all the violent crimes which occur within those confines is a human right. It is clearly obvious that our own government is destroying the social fabric and encouraging lawlessness in our country. Likely another WEF strategy and plan to destroy western societies as we now know them for their "reset".

Absolutely correct Rusty

In Canada the crown, now King Charles owns all properties. Any land holder is only allowed to stay if taxes are paid in good standing. We are not allowed to protect said property with force or ourselves for that matter. The big issue is why people choose to live in " tent cities " is the question. Saying these people should have property rights is quite noble but again, who does?

time to homestead on crown land with starlink internet then.

Excellent idea die. People could exercise their "rights" all summer long for free in the national parks too.

Yup, and the non-forced if you don't take the jab coercions gave them that right, didn't it.

I have a feeling it would immediately stop being a right if it was on these advocates doorstep. I am all for 24 Sussex Drive, and that huge lawn in front of Parliament, is Wellington still barricaded? We can donate tents and transportation for all the homeless across Canada and let government see it, smell it, and truly experience living amongst the homeless. We could invite media from across the world to witness how our benevolent leader deals with the homeless on the Parliament grounds.

If Florida and Texas can bus folks to New York, surely Alberta/BC can ship them to Ottawa.

Would be a nice trip.

Great idea!

Love it

How come I have to pay for camping then? Can't I just set up in a Provincial park? Or where ever I want?


Perhaps they could express their rights on the Parliament Building grounds, 24 Sussex Drive or at the Cottage at the Lake.

Sure is odd how the Canadian federal government wants to protect and expand those horrible poverty and squalor zones in our cities. Most governments elsewhere on the planet say they want to reduce public misery. But not our government. They obviously want more misery, and they seem to be doing everything possible to make it happen.

Do they act this way in order to increase fentanyl sales? I ask because as far as I can see, there is no other financial or other benefits to open squalor besides lucrative drug profits.

In fact, other than feeding of the industrial-fentanyl complex, public squalor is very harmful and costly to the rest of us. But the feds don't seem to care about the interests of the rest of us. They are obviously far more interested in protecting their precious camps, as this report makes clear.

So I have to wonder where all that fentanyl money ends up?

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